Assessment / grading training Airbus A320


Assessment/grading trainings at SimFlying are always customized. Bookings can be made for 2 hours or more, with the instructor preparing in advance if you have sent us a briefing pack or any other information. Together with the instructor, you can determine the format of the training.

Bringing a simbuddy is recommended. This allows the instructor to fully focus on instruction without having to function as PM at the same time. Upon request, we can also arrange for a simbuddy to take on the role of PM (at additional charge).


After you made your booking, we will sent you an email to confirm the definitive starting time.

Booking time *

Briefing in advance (30 min) *

Where do you know us from? *


For which airline do you want to prepare the grading? Are you bringing a simbuddy with you? Please also include any other comments/wishes here.